Sifa Children's Choir


Frequently Asked Questions

Have any Question?

Sifa Choir, meaning "praise" in Swahili, uplifts spirits with joyful gospel music, celebrating faith through song.

You can support Sifa children's Choir through donations, volunteering your time, or becoming a sponsor. More information can be found on their website.

The choir may have various volunteer opportunities available. The best way to find out is to visit their website or contact them directly. Here are some potential volunteer roles:

  • Event Support: Assisting with setup, teardown, and logistics at choir performances.
  • Marketing and Outreach: Helping promote the choir's events and mission.
  • Administrative Support: Assisting with office tasks or social media management.
  • Music Ministry: Sharing your musical talents by playing an instrument or assisting with sound production (if applicable).

Become a friend of Sifa children's Choir

Thank you in advance for your support