Sifa Children's Choir

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Raise your voice! Join Sifa Children's Choir's thanksgiving mission.

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15 Years

Welcome to Sifa Choir

Thanksgiving Tour 15 years Later

Thank you in advance for your support,

15 years ago a group of orphaned children from a Ugandan village were organized into a choir to help raise funds for a school and children’s center. They toured the US in 2008 and 2010. Their 6-month tours respectively helped raise funds for them and many other orphaned children and helped them to pursue a decent education and today they are all living their dreams. After 15 years they are coming back to thank the people who welcomed them, supported them, and helped them achieve their dreams. This will be a celebration tour filled with life-changing stories, tears, laughter, and testimonies. We invite you to support this tour to cover travel-related expenses and all associated costs.

The Sifa children's Choir

To those who believed in us

We raise our voices in a resounding thank you! Your generosity not only fueled our tour but also empowered us to invest in our education, shaping us into the individuals and artists we are today.

Our Testimonials

What They’re Saying?

Mutyaba Ezekiel

Hello praise God
my name is Robert Kayiwa a member Sifa children,2008 we were in the US. We bless God so much that 15 years down the road many things have happened we had dreams

Samuel Tyler

Once a Ugandan boy embraced by Sifa Choir, Samuel soared across the ocean. Raised by their support in America, he’s now a grown man, his voice a testament to their enduring impact

Namugerwa Juliet

Once a Ugandan girl uplifted by Sifa Choir, Phoebe Nassiwa soared across the ocean. Raised by their support, she’s now a woman, her voice a testament to the choir’s enduring impact.

Become a friend of Sifa children's Choir

Thank you in advance for your support

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any Question?

Sifa Choir, meaning "praise" in Swahili, uplifts spirits with joyful gospel music, celebrating faith through song.

You can support Sifa Gospel Choir through donations, volunteering your time, or becoming a sponsor. More information can be found on their website.

The choir may have various volunteer opportunities available. The best way to find out is to visit their website or contact them directly. Here are some potential volunteer roles:

  • Event Support: Assisting with setup, teardown, and logistics at choir performances.
  • Marketing and Outreach: Helping promote the choir's events and mission.
  • Administrative Support: Assisting with office tasks or social media management.
  • Music Ministry: Sharing your musical talents by playing an instrument or assisting with sound production (if applicable).